22-May-2024, 12:35 PM
Velomobiles are seen as 'fiets' so follow the same rules as bicycles, with one important exception, those cycles that have 3 or more wheels and are over 75 cm wide are allowed to use the car lane in many places but not all.
Most of the people here use their velomobile for everyday cycling, going to work, holiday trips and some of us also for racing.
Noticeable difference with many kinds of cycling races, people often ride their velomobile to the race rather than transporting it, take out their gear, add the number and transponder and race, to ride home after the event.
Most of the people here use their velomobile for everyday cycling, going to work, holiday trips and some of us also for racing.
Noticeable difference with many kinds of cycling races, people often ride their velomobile to the race rather than transporting it, take out their gear, add the number and transponder and race, to ride home after the event.
Voornaamste fietsen: B4M 041 - M5 Cmpct - Whike - Flevo bike, Flevo trike, beide alle wielen 20" en knik-kantel besturing,